This group is separate from the Patient Participation Group. Would you like to have a say about the services provided at Woodland Avenue Practice? The Practice would like to hear from you. By providing your email details we can add them to the Patient Reference Group contact list, which has a dedicated email address.
You may then be contacted by email up to four times a year. We will ask you a maximum of five questions each time. The Patient Participation Group (a separate group who meet regularly to discuss practice issues) will assist the practice in collating the responses and developing your proposals. The results will be printed in the practice newsletters and an action plan will be drawn up. The Patient Reference Group will only be contacted by email and attendance at meetings is not required.
Your contact details will only be used for this purpose and will be kept safely.
Please ask the Receptionist, at your next visit, to provide you with a Patient Reference Group registration form. Alternatively, you can register online by clicking on the image opposite.
The Patient Reference Group has been set up in line with the recommendations from Government in order to include patients views about the practice and the services offered.